Add Corner Trims of Selected Height
Add corner trims to the selected corners, the height of which you define by clicking the start and end point of the board from the model. The corner trims are added either to the outer corners, to the inner corners or to both the inner and outer corners depending on the chosen corner trim set. If necessary, you can remove extra corner trims from the building.
- Activate the model window.
- Select the walls that form a corner. You can select all walls in the object tree as described in Add Corner Trims to All Corners .
- Select Wall |
Corner Trim >
Corner Trims to Custom Height.
- Select the corner trim set in the browser. Select a browser folder and double-click the corner trim set.Note: The corner trims in the folder Corner Trims to Roof are stretched to the roof regardless of the selected start and end point.
- Select the start height.
- Select the end height.
- You can change the corner trims by defining a component change rule. Select components of the type Corner Trim to be changed. Alternatively, you can define the change operation of corner trims by using the component type Profile.
- The object type of the corner trims is Eave and Wall Trims.