Framing Tools: Cladding


Tool for the cladding or cover layer (COVER) of a wall panel, horizontal structure or horizontal structure panel. Select Tool from the list. The parameters are set according to the selected tool. If necessary, edit the parameters in the dialog box.


Description text for the tool.
Cross Section
Select the cross section of the boards with the Select button. Select the profile library and cross section in the Piece Properties dialog box.
Piece Properties
Enter the board spacing (S) in the field.
The installation of the cladding starts either from the default edge (the bottom edge of the layer for horizontal cladding, the left edge of the layer when viewed from the outside for vertical cladding) or another alignment method may have been defined for the cladding. See Cladding Alignment.
In this field, you can specify an offset to the start of cladding. The value can be positive or negative. A positive value moves the start in the direction of the male tongue.
In the example figure: A horizontal cladding, B vertical cladding.
Note: The offset does not affect cladding layers where the starting edge of the installation direction is defined using an edge detail. See Edit the Edge Detail of a Cladding.
Position Angle
The default position angle, which depends on the profile's cross section, is defined in the cladding library and does not usually need to be changed. If the cross section is placed in the wrong position in the cladding, determine how much the cross section needs to be rotated and add the angle to the default position angle.
Direction angle
Defines the direction of the boarding.
  • AUTO - The direction is defined automatically according to the material of the layer. For example, the vertical or horizontal siding of a wall.
  • AUTO_R - Same as AUTO, but the installation of the wall's vertical siding is begun from the opposite direction.
Max. Notch
Enter the maximum size of a notch (D) made to a board next to an opening. If the notch is larger, the board will be cut at the opening.
Minimum Width
Enter the minimum width of a board (W) next to an opening. If the width is smaller, the board will be cut at the opening.
Opening Offsets
Enter the distances of the boards from the opening edges in this field.
  • Left (DL)
  • Right (DR)
  • Bottom (DB)
  • Top (DT)
Automatic Cut
You can select an automatic cut for the siding boards in the cladding tool. The boards will be cut at battens. You can stagger the cut-off points on different board courses by entering the number of overlapping courses in the field Overlapping rows.
Overlapping rows = 2 Overlapping rows = 3
Enter the Max length and Min length for a board.
You can enter the minimum overlap for the cut-off points in the Min Distance (DMIN) field.
You can define a protection area above and below the openings (on the left and right sides of an opening in a vertical siding) where the board is not cut. The protection area is determined by multiplying the height of the board (width of the board in a vertical siding) with the factor in the Full boards above and below openings field.