Drawings, Models - View Settings

Select settings for controlling the view of a drawing or a model.

  1. Select PreferencesDrawings, Models.
  2. Select the View tab.


Show Drawing Limits
The drawing limits are indicated by a continuous line in the drawing window. You can toggle the visibility of the drawing limits.
Show Detail View Limits
Show and hide the limits of a projection area or a detail view. For example, a panel view in a panel drawing and a truss view in a truss drawing are detail views.
Mark Hidden Texts
You can add a hidden text to a drawing, which is displayed as spaces or linefeeds in the Text window of the Text dialog box. A hidden code text is connected to a space.
You can make hidden texts visible so that you can select them in a drawing. Hidden texts are depicted in the drawing using characters:
.   Empty space
Empty line (linefeed)
Mark Associative Elements
This function highlights an element, to which the element selected from the drawing have a geometric attachment and associativity. For example, if you select a line element, the text, part number, dimension or geometric constraint added to the line will be marked with a highlight color.
Change Dimension Color If Connection Is Lost
If a dimension loses its associativity when geometry is edited, the dimension will no longer be updated. Dimensions that have lost their associativity will be highlighted in color, when the setting is enabled.
Dimensions will be removed automatically, when Delete Dimension If Connection Is Lost is selected on the Usage tab.
A dimension will lose its associativity, for example, in cases like this:
  • An element connected to the dimension is deleted, for example a line element, which causes the dimensions attached to the edge lines to be detached.
  • Elements connected to the dimension are cut so that the geometry connected to the dimension is lost.


Show Coordinates in Inches
The cursor's coordinates in the status bar are presented in inches, when this setting is enabled.
Mark Entity Before Selecting
Sets highlighting objects before selection. When this setting is enabled, a line element in the cursor-snap area, for example, is highlighted in color. If highlighting is not used, the object will not be marked in any way.
Bubble Tips
When the setting is enabled, the prompts in the status bar are also displayed in a tip bubble.