Screws and Nuts
Use this function to create screws and nuts, hexagonal sockets, washers, screw connections. From the all parts can be selected an axial, side image, or the radius direction side image. To screws and nuts can be selected a washer under the screw and nut. The user interface of the screw connection is macro dial-up. Make the selection by pointing the in the macro-dial up drawing.
- Open Browser.
Browser Archives
- Select Libraries, and open the folder Symbols.
- Select under the Constant folder, the Tool Box.
- Select in the search result Screw, and select Add.
- Select a component.
- Select the basic data of the components in the selection drawing by pointing.
- Select the component properties in the selection drawing by clicking.
- Select the positioning auxiliary function.
- Select the position of the component in the drawing.
- Quit by pressing the Esc key.