Printer Settings

Defines the printer settings used in batch printing the model drawings. Define the data in the dialog box.

Dialog Box Options

The list shows the printer options: Windows and Vertex printers. Select a suitable printer.
This function will open the default settings of the Windows printer for viewing and editing. They are displayed in a dialog box, which you can also open by selecting the Windows function Start> Settings> Printers> Document Defaults. The printer properties include paper size, source, number of copies, orientation (portrait/landscape), print method, resolution, etc.
Printer Settings
Printer Settings
The scale determines the size of the drawing to be printed in relation to the sheet size. The Fit to sheet scale will make the drawing as large as possible on the sheet. Another option is the scale From picture.
Saving as a PDF file the scale selection affects following way:
  • With the Scaled by sheet selection the size of a sheet (A sheet) will be selected by the program so that the drawing including its drawing limits will fit completely or almost completely inside the sheet. The margins value of 10 mm is added to a PDF image and the image will be fitted to the selected sheet. With this option the PDF image is not in scale.
  • With the Scaled by drawing selection the size of a sheet (A sheet) will be selected by the program so that the drawing including its drawing limits will fit completely inside the sheet. With this option the PDF image is in scale.
Layers to print
The elements in a drawing have been drawn on certain layers. Define the layers of the drawing to be printed as layer groups and/or individual layer selections. The dialog box will display the elements in the drawing that are included in the layers selected for printing. By selecting all the layers, you can print all the elements in the drawing.
Auto Rotate
Select the checkbox (default) when you want the drawing to be rotated to fit the page.