Default Favorites

The user’s favorites are saved in the user/browsers/browser_favorites.xml file. If your company uses server installation, you can set these favorites as the default for all users by copying the file to the shared/setup or custom/setup folder of the server installation. If the file is in both, it is read primarily from the shared/setup folder.

To enable default favorites, follow these steps:

  1. Open the browser in which you want to enable default favorites.
  2. Select Edit Settings.
  3. Select Default Favorites.
  4. Confirm by clicking OK.

After this, you can find the default favorites from a sub folder in the browser’s Favorites folder.

You can disable the default favorites by clearing Default Favorites.

  • The Default favorites option is only visible when default favorites have been saved.
  • You cannot add or remove default favorites but you can copy them to your own favorites by using the drag and drop method.
  • This setting is browser-specific.