Edit a Part with an Assembly Part
The geometry of a part can be edited in the assembly using a different part of the assembly. Boolean operations can be used between parts, components and assembly features.
The Boolean function edit the (link) part of the assembly.
Other assembly part modifying a part acts as an external reference. This method is suited in the design of molds and/or stressed-skin structures.
- Select a part for editing in the assembly.
- Select one or more parts to be used for editing from the geometry surrounding the part.
- Also select the part you selected for editing.
- Select the context-sensitive function Boolean.
Boolean Operations
- Select one of the following:
- Unite - Combine the other parts with the original part.
- Intersect - Cut material from the original part leaving the material that is common with the other parts. The other parts are also displayed in the assembly.
- Subtract - Subtract the material of the other parts from the original part. The other parts are also displayed in the assembly.
- Select Confirm.
- You can use the Boolean function to fit the parts of the assembly to each other.
Edit Parts with Other Parts - Welding Groove
Edit Parts with Other Parts - Pipe Lead-throughs
- If the parts used in the Boolean operation have changed, you can solve the assembly parts dependent on these either part-specifically or all parts at once with the context-sensitive function