Edit a Part with an Assembly Part

The geometry of a part can be edited in the assembly using a different part of the assembly. Boolean operations can be used between parts, components and assembly features.

The Boolean function edit the (link) part of the assembly.

Other assembly part modifying a part acts as an external reference. This method is suited in the design of molds and/or stressed-skin structures.

  1. Select a part for editing in the assembly.
  2. Select one or more parts to be used for editing from the geometry surrounding the part.
  3. Also select the part you selected for editing.
  4. Select the context-sensitive function Boolean. Boolean Operations
  5. Select one of the following:
    • Unite - Combine the other parts with the original part.
    • Intersect - Cut material from the original part leaving the material that is common with the other parts. The other parts are also displayed in the assembly.
    • Subtract - Subtract the material of the other parts from the original part. The other parts are also displayed in the assembly.
  6. Select Confirm.