Change Reference Point
- Changing the reference point (
) is related to modeling operations such as adding a part to an assembly or adding a profile to an assembly or pasting sketch geometry in a sketch.
- The element will be opened in a separate window for selecting the reference point.
- Components are placed in an assembly by default from the grip point added to them.
- Parts are placed in an assembly by default from their origin.
- The sketch geometry added to the clipboard is placed from the origin of the sketch by default.
- The geometry of a drawing added to the clipboard is placed from the reference point that was selected when the geometry was copied or cut to the clipboard. You can change the reference point by using the auxiliary function
Select reference point.
Change the reference point
- When you are adding a part to an assembly, for example, start changing the reference point, if necessary
- Click the auxiliary function button
- Press the F8 key.
- The program opens the geometry to be added (for example, a part) to a full-size window.
- Click the auxiliary function button
- Click a new reference point.
- Place geometry, for example a part in an assembly.