Edit Truss Parameters


You can affect the method of representation of the trusses both in the drawing and model by editing the truss parameters. Individual changes made to a truss, such as adding beam notches or copying the shape of a truss, will not be affected by editing the parameters. Edit the properties as follows:

  1. Select one or more trusses.
  2. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
  3. Select Properties.
  4. Select the parameters to be edited and their values in the Truss Parameters dialog box.

    Truss Parameters Dialog Box

  • You can open the properties of a single truss for editing by double-clicking the truss. If you have already labeled the trusses, all the trusses with the same label will be selected.
  • You can reselect the truss parameters for the entire truss area by using the Edit the Parameters of a Truss Area function.