New Document

Defines the type, name, saving location and item data for a new document.

The dialog box is opened with regard to the following archive functions.

Dialog Box Options

Document type
Defines the type of the new document. Select Part, Assembly or Drawing.
The document type will determine the functions available in the context-sensitive menu or in the toolbar in the working window: the menu will contain functions for part modeling, assembly modeling, or drafting.
You can define a specific document type, either Part, Assembly or Drawing, as default in the dialog box. Add the keyword set.new_doc.type= value; 1=Part, 2= Assembly or 3=Drawing in the setup file user/Setup.
Defines the label of a document to be saved in the archives, and the label of a document to be added as a file.
If you select Add to archive or Add to file, name the document without an extension (vxp or xvm).
Name a Document
By clicking the Get button you can name the document automatically. If you enter the start of the name and an asterisk
, the highest document number already in use will be displayed in the Label field. The automatic numbering requires taking an accessory into use.
Automatic Numbering of a Document
You can just select a type of a document and leave the Label field cleared. In the assembly tree of working window as a label of a new document is displayed the selected document type, Part or Assembly. Later you can save a document to the document archive by selecting the Save function, or just close the window without saving a document.
Flow document
This is a property of the Flow link.
To Project
If you wish to save the document in a project, select To project. Add to archive will then also be selected.
Open an existing project by clicking the Browse button, or create a new project by clicking the New button.
Activate an Old Project Create a New Project
If the document does not belong to any project, unselect To project.
Flow connection
This is a property of the Flow link.
Add to Archive
Defines the archive as the document's saving location.
Click the Arc.Data button and enter the archives data for the document. This function is available when you are creating a document in the archive.
In the Archives Data dialog box, you can enter, for example, the document name, designer, creation date and the document type (part/assembly). The data can be edited and complemented later.
Click the Item Data button, and fill in the item data, when you create a new item to match the part or an assembly you intend to model. This function is available when you are creating a document in the archive and the own item data specification is in use.
Add to file
Defines the saving folder for a file, model file (. vxm) or drawing file (. vxp), which you can select from the folder structure by pressing the Browse button.
If you do not select the folder, the file is saved in the general document folder Shared/picts.
Select the checkbox when modeling a local part. From the part's geometry is not a link to the original geometry, like the part which is not local. This function is available when you are modeling a new part in an assembly.
Shows the document's directory path in the directory tree, in accordance with the data you specified for the document.