Explode Symbols to Groups
- With the functions, you can explode symbols and components of the drawing into a group.
- Note that the 2d symbol and the 2d component found under the cursor are marked in the same way, i.e. with a small square in the lower right corner of the cursor, but there are different functions to explode them.
Explode symbols or components into groups
- Select the symbol, 2d component or symbols or 2d components to explode.
- Use the Ctrl key if you select more than one symbol or component.
- Select the context-sensitive function
- Explode symbol (if you selected one symbol).
- Explode symbols (if you selected at least one symbol and components or multiple symbols).
- Explode component (if you selected one component).
- You cannot select multiple components and explode them into a group at once.
Explode a component
- Select Drawing | Symbols > Explode Component.
- Select the component to explode.
- Select the next component to explode, etc.
- Stop exploding components
- Select another function or
- Press the Esc key or
- Press the V key (= Confirm) or
- Click the middle mouse button.