Precompletion of Document Data

It is possible to automatically fill in archive data such as Class and Date for a new document.

The Class field is precompleted as follows:

  • New part model - Part.
  • New assembly - Assy.
  • New drawing (self-drafted) - Dwg.

The current date is entered into the Date field of a new document.

This accessory affects to the File> New> Document function.


  1. Open the Vertex directory System/autom_macros/Prefill_document_archive_data in Windows Explorer.

    Also familiarize yourself with the operational description (txt file).

  2. Copy the DOCUMadd file.
  3. Paste the file into the Vertex folder Custom/macros.

    If the Custom folder does not exist in the file system, paste the file into the folder Shared/macros.