Export a Model to Vertex Showroom service

You can export a model to Vertex Showroom service, where it can be viewed also on mobile devices. Learn more about Vertex Showroom service at https://kb.vertex.fi/showroomen.

Export a model to Showroom as follows:

  1. Select Export Showroom Export.
    Note: Showroom Export is only available when a 3D model is opened in the working window.
  2. Fill in the data into the Export to Showroom dialog box.
  3. Select OK.

Dialog Box Options

Username, Password
The username and password that you have used to register to Vertex Showroom service. The program will automatically log you in if your system has a valid token.
If you haven't registered yet, create an account at https://showroom.vertex.fi.
Name, Description
The name and description of the model. These will be displayed in the Vertex Showroom service.
Add to Gallery
If you want to share your model publicly with all users of Vertex Showroom service, select Add to Gallery.
Select Advanced settings if you want customize the export settings further (only for advanced users).


Create GLB file
Export lights
Export lights from the Vertex program. These lights are visible in the Vertex Showroom service. You can still add additional lights in the Showroom service.
Export metadata
Export stored IFC data along with the geometry. This data is visible for each part in the Vertex Showroom service by pressing the button.
Export explosion animation
Export the model's explosion animation.
Export viewpoints
Export the model's viewpoints. These points are additional to the base viewpoint, automatically generated in the Vertex Showroom service.
Export point cloud
Export opened point cloud model too.
Enable geometry decimate
This reduces the number of the vertexes in the export file created. As a result the model is smaller and lighter to open, with only a small reduce in the visual quality of the model.
Merge meshes
Combines different parts of the geometry together.
All: Combines all parts to only a one geometry mesh. This is the fastest model in the Vertex Showroom service, but offers limited possibilities to edit materials and colors.
Per parent: Combines child part’s geometry with parent’s geometry. For example windows' geometry is combined with the wall they belong into.
None: All the parts creates a geometry mesh of they own. This model can be very large and heavy to open. On the other hand it offers the greatest opportunities to edit the model's materials and colors.