Part Number Data

Defines the data of a part number added to a projection of a drawing generated from a model, including initial number, number increment, and the adding method of the part number. Define the part number data in the dialog box.

Dialog Box Options

Part Number
Defines the starting number. The drawing has a consecutive numbering, beginning from the starting number. The next number is determined by the increment set for the part number.
If you wish to add the same part number more than once, hold down the Ctrl key while adding a part number. Adding of the same part number is described exactly in the section adding a part number.
Part Number into Model Drawing
No element marking
Parts and assemblies are marked by default when part numbers are added for the purpose of clarity so that the user knows where to click for the starting point of the part number. The marking is performed if you use the Number function to add part numbers.
A part to which you are adding a part number is highlighted it in green in the projections.
Sometimes the marking of parts and assemblies can take an unreasonably long time, and adding the part numbers without marking would be desirable. In this case, select No element marking.
Begin automatic part numbering in the projection of a model drawing by clicking the button. You can also use this function to add part numbers missing from the drawing.
Select the projection you wish to add part numbers in the drawing, and click two corner points to select the area inside which the part numbers will be positioned. Click the lower left corner point and the upper right corner point. If all parts belonging to the model are not visible in the projection, you can accept the part numbering of these parts in different projection, or add the part numbers individually.
Automatic Part Numbering
Start the part numbering in the model drawing by clicking the button. The parts are then displayed in a table. Fill in part numbers in the empty fields. After accepting the table, click the positions for the part numbers in the drawing.
Part Number into Model Drawing