Model Parts List, General
- The part listing of the models is based on the item data of the part models.
- In part models, part item and raw material item data are defined.
- In assembly models, the item data of the assembly is defined, and the part data mainly comes through the parts in the structure of the assembly.
- The part and assembly models must be in the archive, and the models should be given archive data, which is partially copied into the model's item data when an item is created for the model.
- We recommend that the drawing is always opened through the model, so that changes in the parts of the model are updated in the drawing and in the parts list of the drawing.
- Opening a model: Open from the Archives or from a Library.
- Opening a model drawing: Open a Drawing from a Model.
Main principles of part model parts list
- Always create a new part model in the archive and provide it with archive data.
- Add item data to the part model with the context-sensitive function
Item Data.
- Create a model drawing.
- Add a sheet to the drawing
- If you want the weight on the title block of the drawing sheet, calculate the mass of the part.
- Update the drawing or collect the parts list of the drawing
- Press F5 to update the drawing , and the parts list is also updated or
- collect the parts list by using the context-sensitive function
Parts List.
Main principles of assembly model parts list
- Always create a new assembly model in the archive and provide it with archive data.
- Add parts, sub-assemblies, library components, and required profiles to the assembly.
- Add item data to the assembly model with the context-sensitive function
Item Data of the main symbol in the feature tree.
- Add data of extra parts.
- The non-modeled extra parts include adhesives, paints and small components such as screws, nuts, washers, pins, etc., you do not want to add to the assembly.
- Extra Parts of an Assembly
- Create a model drawing.
- Add a sheet to the drawing
- Number parts
- See the numbering of parts in the drawing: Part Number into Model Drawing
- The parts can also be numbered in the model: Add Part Numbers in the Model.
- If you want the weight on the title block of the drawing sheet, calculate the mass of the assembly.
- Calculate the Mass of an Assembly.
- If the extra part, or non-modeled part, has a weight, it is specified in the material data. However, these weights are not included in the weight calculation.
- Update the drawing or collect the parts list of the drawing
- Press F5 to update the drawing , and the parts list is also updated or
- collect the parts list by using the context-sensitive function
Parts List.