DWG/DGN Import Settings
Defines the exact element conversions when a DWG or DGN file is imported to this software. The definitions are made on the tabs of the dialog box.
- Setup
- Defines the name of the setup file used in the conversion of the file elements. Perform the conversion using an existing setup file or create a new one. When creating a new setup file, you must define a Vertex equivalent for each element type and property in the DWG/DGN file.
- Line Widths
- Defines the line colors of a DWG/DGN file as Vertex line widths.
- Layers
- Defines corresponding Vertex layers for the layers in the DWG/DGN file.
- Line Types
- Defines corresponding Vertex line types for the line types in the DWG/DGN file. If the file to be imported includes a lot of dashed lines, you can make the file conversion easier by enabling the fast drawing of dashed lines before you import the file to Vertex.
- Text Styles
- Defines corresponding Vertex text styles for the text styles in the DWG/DGN file.
- Dimensions and Hatches
- Defines corresponding Vertex dimensions and hatches for the dimensions and hatches in the DWG/DGN file.
- In 3D DGN import, the reading window is not displayed if the direct method reading mode is used. The reading mode is controlled by the keyword dgn_import_method in the system\setup\dwg\default_r file. The default value is 1. With the value of 0, the reading of the DGN file is performed via the DWG compiler.
- The setup file system\setup\dwg\Default_r that controls the 3D DGN import has the keyword dgn_origin_to_min_xyz, which can be used to direct a model written far from the origin to move to a better place for modeling. With the keyword value 1, the DGN file is read as a Vertex model in such a way that the origin of the model is placed at the minimum point where the x-, y- and z-coordinates are the smallest (compare e.g. with IFC import).