Keywords Connected with Adding a Log Wall

The LOGHOUSE setup file may contain the following keywords connected with adding a log wall.

Using a half/full log when adding a wall. The keyword can have the following values:
  • FULL - Base log always full.
  • HALF - Base log always half.
  • HALF_HORIZ - Horizontal (parallel to the X axis) walls start with a half log, others with a full log.
  • HALF_VERT - Vertical (parallel to the Y axis) walls start with a half log, others with a full log.
The keyword value determines the type of the base log when the Automatic radio button is selected in the Log wall height dialog box. The heights of full and half logs are defined in the log profile parameters.
Log Wall Height Dialog Box
Log Wall Parameters Dialog Box
The measuring point of an overlapping corner. The keyword can have the following values:
  • 0- Center line of the crossing wall
  • 1- Exterior surface of the crossing wall
The keyword value is only used if the corner length is not defined in the wall library.