Keywords Connected with the Settling Space

The LOGHOUSE setup file may contain the following keywords connected with the settling space.

The settling space reserved for the log wall, defined when adding a column.
settling_space = a/b c
  • a - Settling space, may have the following values:
    • Xmm - X millimeters.
    • X" - X inches.
  • b - Height with settling space a. May have the following values:
    • NET_HEIGHT - Log riser (from the profile library).
    • Xmm - X millimeters.
    • X" - X inches.
  • c - Column end from which the settling space is deducted. May have the following values:
    • TOP - Settling space to the top of the column.
    • BOTTOM - Settling space to the bottom of the column.
    • ASK - Ask the user for the end.
settling_space = 10mm/1000mm TOP
settling_space = 2mm/NET_HEIGHT ASK
The settling space is only defined using this method if the program does not find the Logw_Settle.prg application development program used to calculate the settling space from the ../custom/sysprogs directory.


  • Keywords screw_leg and log_column_descr_set are also connected to the column, described in section Keywords Connected with Log Work Drawings.
  • Log work drawings are included in the Log House Work Drawings add-on feature.