Panel Template Drawings Dialog Box


Select a template drawing in the dialog box. The panel drawing is generated based on the template drawing. The template drawings that are suitable to the panel type are highlighted in blue in the dialog box.

Dialog Box Options

You may have several libraries available. The components are grouped by selection groups in the libraries. The selection group of a panel's template drawing is usually the type of the panel (roof, floor, wall, truss). The selection group that is suitable to the panel type is highlighted in blue in the dialog box. Select a library and a selection group from the list in the top left-hand corner of the dialog box. Thumbnail images of the template drawings are displayed below the list box.
If a project-specific template drawing library is available, you can recognize the library from the [P] symbol.
Template Drawings
Select the thumbnail image of a template drawing in the bottom left corner of the dialog box. The template drawings that are suitable to the panel type are highlighted in blue in the dialog box. One of the suitable template drawings is selected by default. The template drawing you have selected is displayed in a preview window.