Project-specific Template Drawing Library


You can save an active panel drawing as a project-specific template drawing. Save the drawing to a library already in the project, or create a new project-specific library.

  1. Open a panel drawing you wish to save as a template drawing.

    Open Panel Drawing

  2. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
  3. Select Save template drawing to project.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • If there are not template drawing libraries in the project, enter a name for the library to be created in the text box.
    • If template drawing libraries exist in the project, select a library in the dialog box. Select the check box of the library.
    • If template drawing libraries exist in the project, you can create a new library by selecting Create new library in the dialog box.
  5. Enter the properties of the template drawing in the dialog box.

    Library Data of a Template Drawing

  6. Confirm by clicking OK.
  7. If a file with the same name already exists in the project-specific template drawing library, you will be prompted: File [file_name.vxp] already exists, replace it? Select either of the following:
    • Yes - The existing file will be overwritten.
    • No - The Library Data of Template Drawing dialog box reopens, and you can enter a new file name.
  8. Close the panel drawing.

When you create a panel drawing, you can recognize a project-specific template drawing library from the [P] mark.

  • The library is only available in the project in question.
  • You can delete a library by editing the template drawing library when the project is open, or by deleting the library's folder in Windows Explorer. The folder is in the complibs folder in the project folder, for example: ../shared/projects/project_name/complibs/library_name.