Add Vertex Property Sets for an Object
IFC Converter
You can select IFC property sets for a wall, when you are adding the wall.
- Select a wall, and move the cursor to the parameter list box.
- Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu, and select Show All Parameters.
- Select IFC Property Sets.The “Select Property Sets to Use” dialog box opens.
- Select the property sets in the dialog box and click OK.
- Only the property sets that are suitable for the object type in question are shown in the dialog box by default. You can view all property sets by selecting Show All Sets in the dialog box.
- Vertex property sets included in the standard environment of the software have the title ifc_property_sets in the dialog box. If there are customer-specific Vertex property sets in the software environment, they have the title ifc_property_set_cst.
Default Property Sets for a Wall
You can define default property sets for customer-specific walls in the wall library: System | Libraries | Walls.
Floors and Ceilings
For horizontal structures,IFC property sets are defined as layer-specific, unlike for walls.
You can select IFC property sets for the layers of a floor, ceiling or roof, when you are adding the structure.
- Select a structure, select a layer, and move the cursor to the parameter list box.
- Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu, and select Show All Parameters.
- Select IFC Property Sets.The “Select Property Sets to Use” dialog box opens.
- Select the property sets in the dialog box and click OK.
- Repeat the procedure for all the required layers.
Default Property Sets for Floors, Ceilings and Roofs
You can define the layer-specific default property sets for customer-specific floors, ceilings and roofs in the library: System | Libraries | Floor Roof.
Windows / Doors
You can select IFC property sets for a window or door component once you have added the component.
- Select a window/door component, and right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
- Select the function IFC Property Sets, select the property sets in the dialog box, and click OK.
Default Property Sets for Window/Door Libraries
You can define the default propretys sets for a window/door library in the component library: System | Libraries | Libraries.
- Select a library, for example win_standard, and click Settings.
- Click IFC Property Sets, and select the property sets for the library.
- Exit the library editing mode by selecting OK.
Default Property Sets for Single Window/Door Components
You can also select the default property sets for single window or door components.
- Open the component library for editing, select a component and click IFC.
- Select the default property sets for the component and exit the library editing mode by selecting OK.
You can select IFC property sets for a profile, when you are adding the profile.
- Click IFC in the Profile Properties dialog box. The “Select Property Sets to Use” dialog box opens.
- Select the property sets in the dialog box and click OK.
Default Property Sets for Profile Libraries
You can define the default property sets for a profile library in the profile library.
- Select System | Libraries |
Profile >
Edit Cross Sections.
- Select a library, for example wood, and select
IFC Property Sets. The “Select Property Sets to Use” dialog box opens.
- Select the property sets in the dialog box and click OK.
- Exit the library editing mode by selecting OK.
You can select IFC property sets for panels once you have added the panel breaks.
- Select a panel, and right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
- Select the function IFC Property Sets, select the property sets in the dialog box, and click OK.
For wall panels, you can select IFC property sets already when generating the panels.
- Select Modeling | Panel |
Wall >
Generate Panels. The Wall Panel Settings dialog box opens.
- Select the tab Attach and click IFC Property Sets. The “Select Property Sets to Use” dialog box opens.
- Select the property sets in the dialog box and click OK.
Default Property Sets for Wall Panels
You can define the default property sets for wall panels in the Wall Panel Settings library: System | Structural Libraries | Wall Panel Settings.
Sheets / Insulations
You can select IFC property sets for a sheet or insulation part.
- Select a sheet/insulation, and right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
- Select IFC Property Sets. The “Select Property Sets to Use” dialog box opens.
- Select the property sets in the dialog box and click OK.
Default Property Sets for Sheet/Insulation Parts
You can define the default property sets for sheet/insulation parts in the sheathing library.
- Do either of the following:
- Select System | Structural Libraries |
Sheathing >
- Select System | Structural Libraries |
Sheathing >
- Select System | Structural Libraries |
- Select a sheet and click IFC. The “Select Property Sets to Use” dialog box opens.
- Select the property sets in the dialog box and click OK.
You can view the selected IFC property sets in the sheathing library on the page 4 in the field IFC Property Set. You can copy the IFC property sets that you have added to all sheets by copying the field contents.