Editing a Panel Drawing
The panel drawing is opened in a so called editing mode, which means that you can make any changes to the panel drawing, for example remove or add pieces, but the next time you regenerate the panel the changes will disappear. You can switch the editing mode to a drafting mode with the function Selecting Panel Drawing Editing Mode. In the drafting mode, you cannot edit the panel itself, but you can add dimensions and lines to the drawing, for example. You can regenerate the panel saving the added basic geometry elements at the same time.
If you edit the panel drawing, you can save it without closing it by selecting the Saving a Panel Drawing function. You can also close the edited
panel drawing by clicking the drawing window's Close button . The program will then prompt you to
confirm whether the panel drawing is to be saved.
- The functions for editing a panel drawing can be found in the Panel Elevations menu. You can move and delete pieces and sheets in a panel drawing by using the functions in the context-sensitive menu. You can also use the functions in the Texts and Dimensions menus to edit, move and delete texts and dimensions in a panel drawing.