Edit the Zone Properties

Edit the properties of a zone as follows:

  1. Select the zone in the object tree.
  2. Select Properties from the right-click menu. The Edit Zone Properties dialog box opens.
  3. Edit the zone properties. Click the column headings to sort the list in the dialog box.
    • Properties - The properties displayed in the dialog box are defined in the zone library. The two basic properties are Name and Description. The Name property appears in the object tree. You can add properties by editing the zone library.
    • Spaces -Spaces in the building. When you click a space row in the list, the object is marked in the floor plan or model. You can add or remove spaces from the zone by selecting or clearing the check box of a space.
    • Rooms -Rooms in the building. When you click a room row in the list, the object is marked in the floor plan. You can add or remove rooms from the zone by selecting or clearing the check box of a room.
    • Zones - Previously defined zones in the building. The zones have no geometry in the model or floor plan. You can add or remove zones from the zone by selecting or clearing the check box of a zone. If a zone belongs to another zone, i.e. a zone has a parent zone, the parent zone cannot be selected and its row is displayed in gray in the list.
  4. Confirm by clicking OK.