Open a Model from a Drawing

Open a model from a drawing or drawing's projection

Open a model related to a drawing or drawing's projection by using the context-sensitive menu function Open Model. You see which model the function opens from the last part of the function name.

  1. Place the cursor in the drawing window and deselect all by pressing Esc.
  2. Select from the context-sensitive menu Open Model.


Select a projection and from its context-sensitive menu Open Model.

  • If you have opened a drawing to be viewed from Flow, open the model from the projection's context-sensitive menu.

Open a model from a drawing's part number

If a drawing has been created of a model, and item data (material data) has been defined for the part, you can open the model in the working window from the item data of the drawing. This function is only available for archived part and assembly models. The drawing must also be opened from the model.

  1. Open the drawing from the model, either from the feature tree of part, or the assembly tree, in the section Drawings.
  2. Do either of the following:
    • Select Material and Attribute Database> Edit Element Attribute Database and click a part number.
    • Double-click a part number.
  3. Click the Open Model button in the Material Data window.
  • This function is not available for local parts or components.