Assembly Features
Assembly features are:
- Assembly machining feature
- Part pattern
- Profile part
- Weld feature
Assembly features also include external references that limit an operation in the part model to another part, for example extrusion to a face.
Machining Feature in an Assembly
Several such components can be added to one assembly, with machining features that machine one or more parts of the assembly.
Add a machining feature to an assembly and position it using geometric constraints. The machining feature of the component is highlighted in the model with red color. Select execution of the machining features. The machining feature remains visible in the model.
The machining features are visible in the model by default. You can toggle their visibility.
Pattern in an Assembly
A linear or circular part pattern of a component added to an assembly can be created. To a pattern you can select a part, library component, assembly, local part or assembly, or pattern. You can position the pattern associatively to a feature pattern or an assembly pattern.
Profile Part
A profile part is an assembly feature that is modeled in the assembly. The modeling begins from a profile cross section that is added to a guide curve line. Other options for positioning the cross section are a point or a line selected from the model. The sweep direction and sweep plane of the cross section determine how the profile is positioned in the assembly. The ends of the profile part are trimmed to an edge, part or face selected from a part.
Weld Part
You can connect parts to each other in an assembly by adding a weld. One or several welds added to an assembly form a Weld part. An assembly may contain several Weld parts. To create a weld, select a welding plane and a sweep line. The way the welding plane is defined depends on the selected weld type. The selected weld shape determines the shape of the cross section. The weld is created by sweeping the cross section along the sweep line. Depending on the shape of the groove, the shape of the cross sections varies, and the number of cross sections can be increased.
Weld Feature
Weld features are modeled in the assembly like profile parts. The modeling begins from a weld cross section that has been added to a line, or a tangential polyline. The shape of the cross section is standard. A weld feature is a fixed part of an assembly.
External References of an Assembly
An external reference provides limits to how a part model's feature is modeled in an assembly. External References of an Assembly