Assembly Properties

Defines the non-modeled parts belonging to the assembly, archives data of the model, and the properties of the user interface of the design automation system. You can edit the main assembly's and subassembly's properties in an assembly.

  1. Select the assembly's (either a main or a sub-assembly) label from the assembly tree.
  2. Select the context-sensitive function Properties.
  3. Define the properties in the dialog box.
  4. Select OK.

Dialog Box Options

The assembly name displayed is the archive name of the model. The label is defined when creating an assembly. You cannot change the name.
You can rename a local part or subassembly in the assembly. Renaming is disabled in the part or subassembly editing mode.
Archives Data
The model archives data of the assembly is displayed for viewing and editing. If necessary, edit and supplement the archives data and accept the data. In the archives data, define at least the item label of the assembly, description, and also other data. The model archives data of an assembly are copied to a data of an assembly drawing when the drawing is saved in the drawing archive. When a drawing sheet has been added to a drawing, the archives data will be updated in the header area after updating the drawing.
Item Data
The item data is opened for viewing by clicking the button. If necessary, edit and complement the item data, and accept the data. The item structure data comprises the part data and the non-modeled parts a.k.a. extra parts. Item structure data cannot be edited.
Non-modeled Parts
The non-modeled parts data can be opened for viewing by clicking the button. Edit and complement the extra parts data.
Frozen at Main Assembly
For a main assembly the property Frozen as Subassembly is here instead.
Defines the parts of the subassembly fixed in the main assembly, so that the subassembly’s constraints are not solved when the main assembly's constraints are solved.
This feature is new to G4 version 2019. Before version 2019 it was only possible to select the property Frozen as Subassembly in each assembly separately, which meant that the assembly was frozen in every main assembly. Now you can select Frozen at Main Assembly to freeze the assembly only in the main assemblies in which you have selected Frozen at Main Assembly.
Old assemblies will function like before until they are updated. Update a subassembly that has been saved before version 2019 by selecting the main assembly's context-sensitive function Other FunctionsUpdate old type link sub-assemblies or by editing and saving the subassembly and updating it in the main assembly.
Frozen as Subassembly
For a subassembly the property Frozen at Main Assembly is here instead. If the subassembly has been saved before version 2019, the property Frozen as Subassembly is grayed out. Update a subassembly that has been saved before version 2019 by selecting the main assembly's context-sensitive function Other FunctionsUpdate old type link sub-assemblies or by editing and saving the subassembly and updating it in the main assembly.
Defines the parts of an assembly to be fixed. When the assembly is a subassembly, its parts are fixed so that its assembly constraints are not solved at all. You can unfix the parts separately in each main assembly by unselecting Frozen at Main Assembly.
If you unselect Frozen as Subassembly, the assembly can not be frozen in a main assembly.
Explosive as Subassembly
Defines the presentation of the subassembly when using the Explode function. You can perform this definition for a subassembly selected in the assembly tree of the main assembly. If you select Explosive as Subassembly, the subassembly is displayed as an exploded view. If you wish for the parts of an assembly to remain in original places when the Explode function is used, leave this checkbox unselected.
To Assembly Parts List
Defines collecting of the assembly data on the the parts list. When the assembly is as a subassembly, its data is collected to the parts list, if you select To Assembly Parts List. You can prevent the data from being collected on the parts list by leaving this checkbox unselected. Please note, when the parts list is rolled out, none of the assembly data is printed.
Solved as Subassembly
Defines whether a subassembly added to an assembly as a link is solved or not, when you select the Solve function for the main assembly. You can perform this definition for a subassembly selected in the assembly tree. If you select Solved as Subassembly, the subassembly is solved. If you wish to not solve the subassembly, leave this checkbox unselected. This feature will not affect in a local subassembly.
Symmetry affects the assembly function Mirror Part. You can define an assembly possibly symmetrical , asymmetrical or symmetrical . The default is that the assembly is possibly symmetrical.
After mirror, an assembly defined symmetrical will be associative with the original model. If the checkbox is cleared, the assembly is not symmetrical, and then a mirror image is created of the assembly.
If an assembly has not been specifically defined as symmetrical or asymmetrical, that it is possibly symmetrical. When mirroring, a mirror image will be created of an assembly.
Explode to parts list
If an assembly is used as a local subassembly, you can define the parts of the subassembly to be included in the main level parts list. You can also do this to a pattern in an assembly. The parts will be included in the parts list just as if they were parts in the main assembly. The parts will not be collected using roll-out. If the checkbox is empty, the parts of the subassembly will not be collected into the main level parts list.
For example, if you add the screws of an assembly into a local subassembly, and the subassembly has the Explode to Parts List property, the parts of the subassembly will be included in the main level parts list.
Table model (multiple items)
When the first configuration-specific item is created for an assembly, in addition to the 0:Basic configuration, the assembly model becomes a table model. The property will be selected automatically in the dialog box.
The Extra Parts button in the dialog box is disabled with table models. You can define such parts for the table model's 0: Basic.
Design Automation System
Defines the assembly model as a geometric product structure of the design automation system. This selection activates the following two fields, where you can define the paths of the user interface application and the task file.
Design automation system is described in more detail in the help, which you can open by selecting HelpDesign Automation System.
User interface program, Task file
Defines the names of the user interface program and command file for the design automat. As a default, the files are read from the active project folder unless an absolute search path has been defined. Select a file name by clicking the Browse button.
In practice, we recommend avoiding the use of absolute search paths. This makes situations in which the design automation system is transferred into another system easier. The different folder structure in the new environment will not cause difficulties in reading the files.
Hidden parts disabled when machined
A configuration technique can be used to create differently machined pieces in an assembly. Select this, if you do not want that a part including machining features machines other parts when hidden in the configuration. Otherwise, the machining features of a hidden part will also be used in machining. This property affects the execution of the machining each time the configuration is changed. Machining is executed when the configuration is changed. Machining may take quite a while with large assemblies containing a lot of machining parts.
Machined Assembly
Hydraulic Block Assembly
Pipe Assembly
Defines the assembly as a pipe assembly. The assembly model must have at least one handle, so it can be saved in the pipe component library. In practice this means that the assembly has at least one pipe or piping component.
This property is selected by default, if you add an assembly using the piping design function Create New Assembly.
New Pipe Assembly

Assembly solve properties

Vertical direction fixed when solved
In many cases, it must be possible to define the orientation of a SmartSnap assembly component so that the direction of the Z axis is always vertical. For example if in question is stairs, ladders, railings and service platforms. If you want Z axis to be the in the vertical direction, select Vertical Direction Fixed When Solved.
If you want the component to be positioned according to defined constraints, leave the selection Vertical Direction Fixed When Solved unselected.
Solve Free Directions of Under-defined
When Solve Free Directions of Under-defined is selected and you select a part or subassembly in an assembly, only the handles according to which the part or subassembly can move or rotate are rendered. In other words, only the handles that you can use to move or rotate the part or subassembly are displayed. If Solve Free Directions of Under-defined is not selected, all handles are rendered. Movement and Rotation Handles
Use default resolution values / Use adjusted resolution values
The software has an internal tolerance, according to which it solves geometric constraints. Adjust the tolerance used by the software on demand.