Rounding in a Drawing

Add a rounding to a corner formed by two straight lines, between two arcs, or between a line and and arc. You can select additional properties from the additional menu or define rounding properties in the dialog box.

  1. Select Drawing | Line Tools | Round.
  2. Click two lines which intersect each other.
  3. Select the additional rounding properties. Additional Rounding Properties
  4. Select the lines as follows:
    • Select two straight lines.
    • Select two arcs.
    • Select a line and an arc.
  5. Define the rounding data in a dialog box. Rounding Data
  6. Select OK.


Select two lines, and then select the Round function from the context-sensitive menu.

  • You can edit the rounding radius by selecting the Edit Round function.
  • If the 2D Constraint Manager is enabled, the rounding involves a radius dimension, coincident constraints and tangent constraints.
  • You can also edit the rounding using a dimension constraint. Note that this change will affect the radius dimension but not the lines between which the rounding was originally added.