Hide a Feature


  • Feature hiding and restoring can be used to describe two or more slightly different parts in the same model.
  • The feature hiding mode can be connected to the model's configurations, in which case by changing the configuration, some of the model's features are hidden.
    • General Information About Configurations.
    • If you model a feature when 0: Configuration0 is active, it appears by default in all configurations.
    • If you model a feature while another configuration is active, the feature is only visible in that configuration and is hidden in all other configurations.
    • When you add a new configuration to the model, the hiding mode of the features is inherited from the hiding mode of the active configuration.
  • Feature hiding can also be used to produce a "lighter" representation of the part model.
    • In this case, the part drawing is produced from the accurate model of the part, which includes, for example, small roundings and small holes.
    • The part can be added to an assembly in a configuration where features that are not important for the assembly, such as small roundings and minor holes, are hidden.
  • The symbol of the hidden feature is displayed as grayed out in the feature tree of the part.

Figure 1: Two features of the part have been hidden.

Hide a Feature

  1. Select a feature, or several by holding down the CTRL key, from the part’s feature tree.
  2. Select the context-sensitive function Hide Feature.

Restore a feature

  1. Select a hidden feature (label grayed out) in the feature tree.
  2. Select the context-sensitive function Restore Feature.
Note: You can delete a hidden feature without restoring it first. However, it is recommended to first restore the feature before deleting it.