Profile Structure Design (2D)


  • 2D profile design is a very old feature of Vertex.
  • The functions have been developed more than 30 years ago into the KVERTEX program and have not been maintained for years.
  • RECOMMENDATION: If you design profile structures, use the profile structure design tools in the model.


Profile Design includes functions for the design of structures consisting of 2D profiles in 2D drawing. You can use Profile Design functions together with general design functions.

The Profile Library is a central part of the application, containing the geometry data and area properties of standard cross sections. Adding a profile in a drawing does not require drawing every line. Just point the nominal direction, and the beam is placed in the position determined by the desired rule. The program will draw up a list of the profiles used.

Profile Design in 2D Drawing

Profile design functions by and large as follows:

  1. Add profiles to a drawing using the functions in the additional menu.
  2. Edit profiles using profile editing functions.
  3. Print out a list of the profiles in the drawing.