New Document to the Archive


  • You can create a new document (part, assembly, or drawing) as shown below.
  • A new part or assembly model can be set up in an assembly model, in which case the part or sub-assembly becomes part of the (main) assembly and does not need to be added separately.
  • A new drawing describing the model is created in the model.

Create a new part, assembly or drawing in the archives

  1. Select Archives | Documents | New
    • select File > New or
    • press Ctrl+N.
    • The program opens the dialog box New Document.
  2. Define the type and data of the new document in the dialog box.
    • New Document Dialog Box
    • Select the type of the new document:
      • Part or
      • Assembly or
      • Drawing.
      • The program will color the selected document type blue.
    • Name the document in the Label field.
    • Fill in the archives data of the document by clicking Archive Data.
      • The program opens the dialog box Archive Data.
      • Fill in the data. You can edit them later.
    • Select the Add to archive radio button to have the document saved in the archive.
    • Select To Project when creating a document for a specific project.
      • Activate the old project with the Select button or
      • create a new by selecting New.
    • See the other actions in the dialog box New Document Dialog Box
  3. Select OK.
  4. Start modeling, or start design of the drawing.
  • If you inadvertently selected Part as the document type, although you intended to create an Assembly, you can convert the part to an assembly.
  • When the document is in the working window, you can later complement the archives data.
    • Select Archives | Documents | Data.