Importing *.sat File


Define the converted elements. Lines, faces and parts are converted (default).

Dialog Box Options

You can repair a model’s geometry by healing it. Heal the Acis Geometry of a Part Model
Import as one part
You can read a sat-format assembly model as a part so that only Base Feature is displayed in the history tree.
Remove small dimensions
You can enter a value in the field. Dimensions smaller than this value won’t be imported into the model. If no dimension of the geometry is greater than the entered limit, it will be left out from the model.
Convert to Sheet-Metal Part
This function will set Sheet Metal as the part's type in the part properties. Also, this function will find the sheet thickness based on the distance between the largest planar face and its opposite surface, and will create roundings in sharp corners, if necessary.
RotateX / RotateY / RotateZ
You can rotate the model around the coordinate axes by entering the desired angles as degrees into the fields.