Copying Stud Positions to Another Floor


You can copy the macros defining the starting point of studding to another drawing. This function copies the following macros:

  • The macro defining the global stud adjustment.
  • The macros defining the wall-specific stud adjustment.

Copy the stud adjustment as follows:

  1. Activate the drawing-model pair to which you want to copy the macros, for example the 2nd floor wall layout.
  2. Do either of the following:
    • Select Modeling | Panel | Wall Copy 1st Stud Macro From Another Floor when using model-based wall panels.
    • Select Classic Wall Framing | Wall Panelizing | Special Framing Copy 1st Stud Macro From Another Floor when using wall panels based on a panel drawing.
  3. Select the drawing-model pair from which the macros are copied, for example the 1st floor wall layout.

  4. If you already generated the panel pieces or panel drawings, regenerate them.