Defining Comparison Between Option Groups in the ± Database
Option System
The Model Set database includes the information of the project's different option groups whose material quantities are to be compared. By default, the database contains one set named BASE. This is the default building model to which the material quantities of option groups can be compared.
If you are using the presolve of
options, see Defining Comparison Between Option
Groups in the ± Database.
- Select Options |
+/- BOM Groups.
- You can add new sets to the database by selecting one of the following functions from the
menu bar of the database view:
- Edit > Copy Row
- Edit > Add Row Before
- Edit > Add Row After
- Edit the fields of the new row.
Database View Fields
- Status
- Select the sets to be processed by selecting an X in the Status field. When a set is processed, the options are solved and the materials are collected. Select the options of the model set by clicking the Edit options button. After you have defined the option groups, you can solve the options and collect the materials with the function Solving ±Models.
- Order
- The order number is used to sort and organize the list of option groups. Type a unique number for each group.
- Label
- Type the label of the option group. The label of the default building model is BASE.
- Description
- Type a description of the option group.
- Compare to set
- Type the Set Id of the option group you want the quantities to be compared to. For example, if you want to compare the material quantities of the model set to the default building model, type BASE in the field.
- Edit options
- Select the options to be solved when the option group is processed. Select the options by clicking the Edit options button. The Model Set Options database view appears. If the database is empty, add a row to the database with the Edit > Add Row Before or Edit > Add Row After function on the menu bar of the database view. Select an option from the Options database by clicking the Select option button. If you want to select several options, add the necessary number of rows to the database and select an option on each row with the Select option button.
- Copy set
- You can add a new option group to the database by copying an existing one. Move the cursor on the row you want to copy and click the Copy set button. Type a new label in the text window. All the other information, including the selected options, are copied from the existing set to the new set. Type a unique order number in the Order field and edit the options of the new set by clicking the Edit options button, if necessary.