Adding Constraints
When you have created a floor plan, you can define geometric constraints to define the relations between building components and dimension them.
Add geometric constraints by selecting a constraint from the Modeling
| Connection | Distance menu. First select a function and then the elements
between which you wish to add the constraint. The cursor indicates which elements can be
Most commonly used constraints in the architectural design are distance, coincidence, equal distance, repeated equal distance, symmetry, perpendicular and angle.
When you are designing a parametric building model, pay attention to the order of setting constraints. Always set the distance constraints first. If two different solutions fill the constraints you have set, the model may be solved in the wrong way, and you will receive an error message: "Model not solved". The program marks the wall causing the error message by adding red symbols to the end points of the construction line. Delete the constraints related to the wall in question, and add them again in different order.
Constraints work between planes, lines and points. It is recommended to define constraints between lines whenever it is possible. Constraining to a point is necessary when moving a wall end or in oblique walls, for example bay window walls.
Adding Constraints to Drawing
- The program adds the dimension constraints on the layer 92 Dimension Constraints by default.
- Floors cannot be dimensioned using constraints, because the floor follows the walls.
- When an element has a geometric constraint, the element cannot be edited using its grip points. You must edit the geometry of a parametric drawing by editing the constraints.
- Unrealized dimension constraints are highlighted in the drawing in color, for example as a red dimension.