
Set the dimension figure to a desired position in the drawing.

  1. Select Drawing | Dimensions | Fast Dimensioning > Move.
  2. Select the dimension figure.
  3. Click the position of the dimension.
  4. If there are other dimensions connected to the selected dimension, you will be prompted: Adjust adjacent dimensions? Select either of the following:
    • If you want to move the adjacent dimensions as well, click Yes.
    • If you want to move the selected dimension only, click No.
  5. Select Confirm.

Select the dimension and the context-sensitive function Move. You can move several parallel dimensions at once.

  • You can also move the dimension by dragging the grip point. You can move the dimension figure on the reference line.
  • You can select the new start point or end point for the dimension by moving the grip point.
  • You can remove the dimension by selecting a single or several dimensions, and by the context sensitive function Delete, or pres Delete key.