Part Number

Add the item data to the 2D component after you have added the component to the drawing.

  1. Add the part number to the component. Add a Part Number
  2. On the tab, in the Mechanical group, select Parts List, and select Part Number.
  3. Number the parts automatically or manually, and click the location of the part number.
  4. Fill in the part number data. Part Number Data
  5. Click OK.

Edit Part Data

  1. On the tab, in the Mechanical group, select Parts List, and select Edit All Attribute Databases of Certain Type.
  2. Edit the data of the parts, and select OK.

Attribute Data to Drawing

  1. On the tab, in the Mechanical group, select Parts List, and select Attribute Data to Drawing.
  2. Click a part number or another element of a component containing attribute data that you wish to add to the drawing.
  3. Click the start point of the reference line and the location of the reference text.