Set a Tolerance to Constraint Resolution
The software has an internal tolerance, according to which it solves geometric constraints. On the grounds of the tolerance, the software decides for example whether the lengths of two lines that belong to different parts are congruent, although they differ 0.0001 mm. If the tolerance is greater than the deviation, the software interprets the lines as congruent and a geometric constraint is solved. If the deviation is not within the limits of the tolerance, a geometric constraint is not solved.
Especially models brought from another software may contain internal tolerances greater than Vertex's internal tolerance. This may cause that the model's geometric constraints do not solve, although dimensions seem identical.
Change solver's default tolerance
Adjust the tolerance used by the software on demand. Do as follows:
- Select the name of the assembly from the assembly tree.
- Select the context-sensitive function
- Select from the Assembly solve properties drop-down menu Use default resolution values or Use adjusted resolution values.
- If you selected Use adjusted resolution values, you can select the tolerance size with a slide control.
- Slide control's value 0 (right egde) means that points are considered congruent, if they deviate 1 mm on the distance of one meter. Value -8 (left edge) means, that points have to locate within 0,00000001 (i.e.10^-8) accuracy in the same location, so that they are considered congruent.
- You can preview the resolution with Solve.