Environment Light Properties.


Define the light properties: name, intensity, is the light on or off, and shadows.

Dialog Box Options

Switch the light on (default) or off.
You can name the light. It will be easier for you to recognize the light in the object tree and the light table.
The intensity can have values 0-1. If you change the value, you can see the change of the intensity in the model at once.
Select whether the light creates shadows or not. Edit the variable values of the shadows by clicking the Values button. You can edit three variables: resolution, softness, and quality. Select a new value from the list or enter a numeric value in the field. Following numeric values are possible:
  • Resolution can have a value between 0 and 2048. At resolution 0 the shadows will be sharp.
  • Softness can have a value between 0 and 5.5.
  • Quality can have a value between 0 and 9.
The best and sharpest image is achieved by using the values Resolution=0, Softness=1 and Quality=9.
The model in the working window will be visualized, when you click the button.
The function opens the Light Edit dialog box in which you can edit the shader properties of the light.
Light Shading Properties