Add a Photo of Your Own to the Background Library


Save the photo in the folder ../shared/lw. The file type can be jpg, bmp or tif.

Create a new background and define the saved photo as its image file.

  1. Select System | Rendering Textures Backgrounds. The browser is opened.
  2. Select My Library.
  3. Select the folder in which to create a new background/foreground, or create a new folder, if necessary.
    1. Right-click to open the function menu.
    2. Select New Folder.
    3. Enter a name for the new folder.
    4. Select the folder you have just created.
  4. Move the cursor to an empty area in the right browser frame (thumbnail area).
  5. Right-click to open the actions menu, and select New background.
  6. Specify the following data for the background:
    • Name - Type a name for the thumbnail image.
    • Type - Select one of the following from the list:
  7. Click File name.
  8. Set one of the following as the image file:
    • Select the location of the image file
      1. Click the Select button. The Open dialog box opens. The default folder of rendering libraries is ../system/lw or ../shared/lw.
      2. Go to the desired folder on the hard drive and select an image file (jpg, tif or bmp).
      3. Click the Open button.
    • Enter the image file name and path
      1. Set one of the following as the image file:
        • If the image file has been saved in the ../shared/lw folder, type the plain file name with quotation marks in the field, for example:


        • If the image file has been saved in a subfolder under the ../shared/lw folder, type folder/file name with quotation marks in the field, for example:


        • If the saving location of the image file is something else, type the entire path with quotations in the field, for example:


      2. Click the Set button.
  9. Confirm by clicking OK.

The new background photo is added to the rendering background library. You can select the photograph background and use it in any building model by double-clicking the thumbnail in the browser.


  • If the horizons of the image and the model view do not match, edit the height of the image using an image editing program.