Background Types


The background can be a plain color, graduated color, cloud or an image (photo).


If you wish to set an image file as the background, select one of the following background types:

Enter the path of the image file as the value of the File name property in one of the following ways:

  • Select the location of the image file
    1. Click the Select button. The Open dialog box opens. The default folder of rendering libraries is ../system/lw or ../shared/lw.
    2. Go to the desired folder on the hard drive and select an image file (jpg, tif or bmp).
    3. Click the Open button.
  • Enter the image file name and path
    1. Set one of the following as the image file:
      • If the image file has been saved in the ../shared/lw folder, type the plain file name with quotation marks in the field, for example:


      • If the image file has been saved in a subfolder under the ../shared/lw folder, type folder/file name with quotation marks in the field, for example:


      • If the saving location of the image file is something else, type the entire path with quotations in the field, for example:


    2. Click the Set button.

Other backgrounds

Other background alternatives are:

  • Cloud - Mathematical cloud pattern.
  • Graduated - Vertical transition from one color to another.
  • Plain
  • Environment