Set a Foreground
A model can have both the background and the foreground at the same time. The foreground can be a fog or snowfall, for example. Select the foreground in the browser in the following way:
- Select Rendering | Environment | Foreground/Fog. The browser is opened.
- Select a folder in the left frame of the browser. Thumbnail images of the options in the
folder will be displayed in the right frame. The software supplier's foregrounds are in the
Vertex Library.
- Depth Cue
- Fog
- Ground Fog
- Snow
- Do either of the following:
- Double-click the thumbnail.
- Right-click on the thumbnail and select Select.
- You can display the foreground by visualizing the model using the Rendering | Render Style | Rendered function.
- Once you have added a foreground to the model, a new selection will replace the old foreground.
- If the building is entirely covered in fog, the distance between the fog and the viewing point is too small. If the fog is entirely left far behind the building, the distance is probably too great. Change the distance by editing the foreground's shader properties.
- You can create your own foregrounds in your own library, see Create a New Background or Foreground. For example, you can create a foreground from a photograph by setting part of the image as transparent, see Create a Transparent Foreground from a Photo.
- You can also select this function in the object tree. Select the object tree title Rendering. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu, and select Set Foreground/Fog.