Add a Floor or Ceiling
You can add a floor or a ceiling to a building as follows:
- Do one of the following:
- Select Modeling | Floor, Roof |
- Select Modeling | Floor, Roof |
- Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu, and select
Add Floor.
- Select Modeling | Floor, Roof |
- Select a floor or a ceiling in a dialog box.
Component Properties Dialog Box - Select a Floor or Ceiling
You can view all the structures in the floor and ceiling libraries in the dialog box regardless of their type by clicking Show All.
You can check which structure is selected from the status bar. You can change the structure by first selecting the
Select Material From List function in the auxiliary menu, or by copying an existing structure by using the
Select Material From Another Area function.
- Select an adding method from the auxiliary menu. By default, the previously used method is selected.
- Define the area to which the structure is to be added according to the selected adding method: select either the corner points or edges of the area, or an area whose shape is to be copied.
- The presentation method of a floor or a ceiling in the model can be either layers expanded or a packed basic volume. By default, they are added with layers expanded.
- The floor base height and the default heights of the horizontal structures are defined in the project parameters.