

Cubes is a color type that can be used to create a chessboard-like appearance. When you place the material onto an object, the hatch pattern will fill the whole object, continuing three-dimensionally inside the object. You can see this by cutting a piece off the object, for example.

Parameter: Explanation: Default value: Possible values:
Size The square size in local co-ordinate units 1  
Odd Color The color of the odd square (255,255,255) All RGB values
Even Color The color of the even square (0,0,0) All RGB values


Size: 1

Odd Color: (255,255,255)

Even Color: (0,0,0)

Size: 0.5

Odd Color: (255,255,255)

Even Color: (0,0,0)

Size: 3

Odd Color: (255,255,255)

Even Color: (0,0,0)

Size: 1

Odd Color: (255,255,255)

Even Color: (0,128,128)

Size: 0.5

Odd Color: (0,126,126)

Even Color: (0,128,128)