Wrapped Polka

SHADER TYPE: Wrapped Polka

Wrapped Polka is a color type that can be used to create a polka-dot pattern. When placing the material onto an object, the hatch pattern will only cover the object, and not continue three-dimensionally inside the object.

Parameter: Explanation: Default value: Possible values:
Scale Proportional scale factor of the spots 1  
Separation Proportional distance between spots 1  
Radius Proportional radius of the spots 0.4  
Edge Softness Proportional edge softness of the spots 0.1 0 -1
Background Color Background color (255,255,255) All RGB values
Spot Color Color of the spots (255,0,0) All RGB values


Scale: 1

Separation: 1

Radius:  0.4

Edge Softness: 0.1

Background color: (255,255,255)

Spot Color: (255,0,0)

Scale: 70

Separation: 1

Radius:  0.4

Edge Softness: 0.1

Background color: (255,255,255)

Spot Color: (255,0,0)

Scale: 70

Separation: 2

Radius:  0.4

Edge Softness: 0.1

Background color: (255,255,255)

Spot Color: (255,0,0)

Scale: 70

Separation: 2

Radius:  0.6

Edge Softness: 0.1

Background color: (255,255,255)

Spot Color: (255,0,0)

Scale: 70

Separation: 1

Radius:  0.5

Edge Softness: 0.1

Background color: (255,255,255)

Spot Color: (255,0,0)

Scale: 70

Separation: 2

Radius:  0.6

Edge Softness: 0.5

Background color: (255,255,255)

Spot Color: (255,0,0)

Scale: 70

Separation: 2

Radius:  0.6

Edge Softness: 0.5

Background color: (80,80,80)

Spot Color: (0,0,0)

Scale: 10

Separation: 2

Radius:  0.8

Edge Softness: 0.1

Background color: (80,80,80)

Spot Color: (0,0,0)

Scale: 70

Separation: 1

Radius:  0.57

Edge Softness: 0.2

Background color: (80,80,80)

Spot Color: (0,0,0)