Layer Schemes

A layer scheme is a set of layers with certain numbers and names. Vertex can include several layer schemes. You can change the layer scheme to be used in the Layers dialog box.

Default layer scheme

Several software supplier’s layer schemes can be defined in the system settings with the keyword level_names(x). The keyword defines the name of the layer scheme.




The default layer scheme is the first layer scheme defined in the system settings.

The layers belonging to a layer scheme are defined with the keyword level(x) and the layer groups with the keyword level_group under the layer scheme name.

The Vertex ED application has more than one pre-defined layer schemes. Other Vertex applications usually have only one default layer scheme.

You can edit the default layers for your own use. The modified layer scheme is stored in a drawing file in the folder ../custom/setup/layer_templates. The name of the file is “1 Default layer scheme.vxp”. The layer scheme saved in the drawing file replaces the default layer scheme of the software supplier.

When you make changes to the default layer scheme, for example by adding a new layer group, you can update the changes to the layer scheme in the drawing by restoring the default layer selections.

New Drawing

The layers of a new drawing are defined according to the default layer scheme.

Old Drawing

When you open an old drawing, the layers scheme Drawing specific layers is activated. The drawing may also be created with another Vertex application. You can change the drawing-specific layers to the default layer scheme. In this case, you will be prompted: This will replace drawing specific layers, overwriting possible changes in them. Replace layers?

  • Yes - Drawing specific layers will be replaced with the selected layer scheme.
  • No- Drawing specific layers will be retained.

If the old drawing does not have a layer scheme, the default layer scheme will be used.

When you open an old drawing created with the version 2017 (23.0) or older, its layer scheme will be converted to the 2018 (24.0) format.

DWG Drawing

When you convert a DWG file to a Vertex drawing, the layer scheme of the DWG file DWG/DGN imported layers will be used. You can add a Vertex layer scheme to the drawing as follows:

  1. Select Default layer scheme from the layer scheme list in the Layers dialog box. You will be prompted: Add this layer scheme into drawing, keeping DWG/DGN layers on the side?
  2. Select Yes.

If the drawing to be opened has both a DWG and a Vertex layer scheme, the layer scheme that was active when the drawing was last saved, is activated. This requires that the setting Keep Layer Scheme Saved in the Drawing is enabled.