Create Stack Drawings


You can create a drawing from one stack or all stacks at once. The drawing shows different views of the stack and a list of the panels belonging to the stack.

The drawing is based on the selected template drawing. The basic software delivery includes some ready-made template drawings. The locations and sizes of the views and schedules to be added to the stack drawing are defined in the template drawing. You can create a customer-specific library for your own template drawings, see Create Your Own Stack Template Drawing Library.

The the stack drawings are temporarily stored in the Tmp folder in the building’s folder. Final drawings are saved in the Stack folder in the building’s folder when you save the building. After saving, the drawings appear in the building's document browser branch Stacking / Stack drawings. The asterisk (*) behind the drawing label indicates that the drawing is not up to date. When you update the drawing, the asterisk will be removed from the label.

Create a single stack drawing

  1. In the document browser, open the Stacking / Stacks branch.
  2. Select a stack.
  3. Right-click and select Create drawing.
  4. Select a template drawing in the dialog box.
  5. Confirm by clicking OK.
  6. Save the building.

Create all stack drawings

  1. Do either of the following:
    • Select Output | Panels and Trusses | 3D Panel Stacking > Create Drawings.
    • In the document browser, select the heading Stacking and from the right-clik menu Create drawings.
  2. Select a template drawing in the dialog box.
  3. Confirm by clicking OK.
  4. Save the building.
Note: As with the building, the previous saves are also kept of the stack drawings. The drawings have the same save number as the building. When you close the building, you can select old saves to be deleted and keep only the latest save of both the building and the stack drawings.