Edit Symbol Properties

You can edit the properties of one or more symbol in a drawing.

  1. Select the symbol.
  2. Select the Properties function on the contextual toolbar.
  3. Edit the properties in the dialog box.
  4. Select OK.

Select one or more symbols, and then select the Properties function from the context-sensitive menu. You can also edit the symbol by double-clicking it.


  • You can the copy properties to the symbol from another element of the same type in a drawing by selecting the Copy Properties function.
  • You can delete a symbol by selecting one or more symbols and the Delete function from the context-sensitive menu or press the Delete key.
  • You can select a symbol, labels attached to it, and associative texts to be edited. Select one or more symbols and press the Ctrl+C keys, and after then the Esc key. You can change common properties of symbols on the contextual toolbar.