Add a Drawing as a Group (2D)

Select a drawing from the archive and add it to another drawing as a group. Before clicking the position, you can select an auxiliary function and specify on which layer the group elements will be placed.

  1. On the tab, in the Group, and click Read drawing to group.
  2. Select the file, and select Open.

    When adding a group, the default layer -1, and then the elements of the group are placed on their original layers.

  3. If preferred, select a different layer for the elements.
    • You can select a different layer from the Layer list on the contextual toolbar to place the elements on the preferred layer.
    • If you also select Shift macro element layers, the element layers are determined by adding the layer number selected from the Layer menu to the original layer.

      Shift the Layers of Macro (Group) Elements

  4. Select the location.
  5. Select Confirm.