Define IO System to IO List

  1. Select tab, IO group, IO Cards and Channels.
  2. Select the properties:
  • In IO list, the following are defined (each on it's own database row) : IO cards of the system, terminal blocks of the cards, IO devices, terminal blocks in junction boxes and outlets.
  • Several channels of IO card may be needed for outlets and certain IO devices. In those cases, the data of outlet or device is defined in several rows of IO list.
  • Inputs and outputs are defined in the IO list card by card in following order:
    1. First the IO type defining the card.
    2. A terminal block corresponding to the card's central unit.
    3. Inputs and outputs of the card in order.
  • Terminal blocks of junction boxes can be defined in any order.

    One protocol is to define the terminal blocks after all the cards.

Field Field content
Position IO device's position code i.e. location part of device code is defined in position field.

If you wish to define the entity part, it has to be separated before the location part with plus (+) mark.

If the field is kept empty, the default is that the position of logic's central unit is considered as the location part in the basic data. Similarly, the logic system ID is considered as the entity part for the device ID if the field is empty.

For example 32 or RK2+14

IO type Define in the IO type field a IO type name, that is saved in the device data. You can select the type from a list by a button IO type.

Combined input or output type IO devices require also, separated with a slash (/), a device code of the device, to which the row's part in question belongs to.

For example MGVENT1 tai VKYTK2/3 (Combined input or output)

Address If necessary, you enter a new address. Junction block type IO devices require the device ID unit part of the box in the field.

For example E0.1 or RE0.0 or 2X

Contact pin Define the logic's signal contact pin code, if it differs from the one defined in the card.
Function If you use one function field, define a description of IO device functions in the field.

With outlet type IO devices you can add in the field a device to be controlled and a control function separated with a colon (:).

For example Feeder extreme position down or CONVEYOR: FRONT (Outlet)

Function1 Enter a description of a IO device.

For example Feeder or CONVEYOR

Function2 Enter a description of the IO device's functions. With outlet type IO devices you can add in the field the alternatives of control.

For example Extreme position down or FRONT

Function3 Enter a description of the IO device's additional data.

For example, capacitive sensor.

Note: To Note field you define additional information for schema depending on the IO type, separated with a comma (,).
  • Data Definitions:

    You define outlet feedback couplings with the data1: and data2: markings in the corresponding inputs. You define in the field either a controlling address or an output position.

    For example data1:A1.5 or data1:21

  • Relay Definitions:

    In the outputs you can define a marking relay, with which is informed that a terminal block relay is used.

    For example relay,P=1.5kW

    It is possible to use alternative markings instead of the relay marking in the relay definition. The alternative markings are defined in the common settings of logic application (max: 5 pieces).

    If you want to have outlets for an auxiliary relay in the output drawings, you can define a output next to a relay to which the outlet is brought. In that case the relay definition is: relay:Fxx, where the parameter is a feeding fuse's code.

    Feeding bar's code can also be given with a definition of: bar:KT, where the parameter is a feeding bar's code.

  • feeds_log Definitions:

    Voltage feeds are taken from a logic card, not from a card's block.
  • contact pin_off Definitions:

    Contact pin is not reserved for signal in the card's block.
  • Outlet Base's Text Symbols:

    It is possible to define a value for text symbols in a base drawing next to outlet.

    The definitions are separated with a comma (,).

    For example there are text symbols in the base for #POWER# and #RPM#, then in the field of IO list is for example:

    Silloin IO-listan kentässä on esimerkiksi: TEHO=2.2 kW,RPM=2300

  • Locking Definitions:

    If the drawings run by automation are modified by hand, or for other reason there is a need to prevent the re-run of drawings, it is possible to define a locking to each sheet of the schema.

    Locking definition can be in a format of:
    Locked - locks the IO schema and the optional motor outlet drawing associated to it.
    PKlocked - locks the IO schema only.
    MLlocked - locks the motor outlet drawing associated to IO schema only.

  • Page Definitions:

    Define a page break with page definitions so, that the row with a definition will be first in the new page.
  • Reservation Definitions:

    Define a reservation with definitions so, that there are wirings in the IO drawings up to the last junction box in reserve. The reservation is illustrated with a device symbol located on a hidden layer.
Cable routing
  • To cable routing field you define the terminal blocks, via which the signal travels from a central unit to a IO device. The terminal block in a central unit is excluded from the definition field. The terminal blocks are separated with a comma (,). If necessary, the contact pin of a terminal block can be defined. If a contact pin is not defined, the software selects it automatically.
  • NOTE! Make sure to mark the location and entity parts of terminal block codes, if they differ from the default values.

    For example X3,R0.1:5,13-X6:8

Layout To Lo i.e. layout field you define the status of IO device as for layout drawings. If the device will not be in layout, the field is empty (--).

If you want a IO device of the row in question to appear in the selection list when the layout drawings are illustrated, you have to define 0 in the field.

The layout drawing process will switch 0 to 1, when the device in question is added to the layout drawing. .

Extra Data To additional information field you can define free text and additional definitions related to the row.
  • Base Drawing Definitions:

    With outlet type IO devices you can add in the field names of a project-specific base drawings. Base drawings are named with BASE<n> definition.

    For example BASE1=p_base1, BASE2=p_base2

  • Device Label Definitions:

    Label can be named specifically, for example LABEL=K123
  • Auxiliary Relay's Code (RELAY):

    Auxiliary relay's code deviating from default can be defined with a definition RELAY=Kxx, where Kxx is the auxiliary relay's code.
  • Cable Shape Definitions (cable):

    Wiring of IO drawing's devices can be defined to be drawn in a shape of a rake with the definition of cable.

    The definition affects the device or the junction block, of which row's the definition is set.

Device code To device code field you define the material code of the device. Code is included in the device list.
Cable code To cable code field you define the material code of the cable.
Listing To listing field you define management of listings.

1: row is attached to I/O -list.

2: Code is included in the device list.

12 : row is attached to both lists.