Save Component
Save a drawing specific component to the symbol library. The file type of the library component is .vxp.
- Before forming a drawing specific component from the elements, add all necessary elements and dimension constraint variable definitions to the geometry.
- Before saving the drawing specific component to the library, create a dimension table for the component.
Save the component to the library.
- On the
tab, in the Symbols group, select
Explode Component.
- Select a drawing-specific component.
- Select the folder to which you wish to save the component.
- Enter the file name.
- Click the Save button.
- Click one or more insertion points from the component. These points can be used to position the component when it is added to a drawing.
- Select Confirm.
Select a drawing-specific component and then select the context-sensitive function, Save Component.
- The default folder is Shared/symbols, to which you can save your own library components. You must not change the name of this folder. You can create subfolders in this folder by selecting the Create New Folder function in the Windows Save As dialog box. The System/symbols folder contains sample components. These will be replaced with new ones when the software is updated.
- When a component is saved, a browser image of the component, a thumbnail image, will also be automatically saved.
- You can delete or rename subfolders in the symbol library using Windows Explorer. You can also delete or rename a library component, provided that you rename both component files.